Message from the Vice-Chancellor and President
The year 2023 marks the 60th anniversary of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Six decades ago, our founders took on the historic task of establishing a comprehensive research university with a global vision and mission to ‘combine tradition with modernity, and bring together China and the West’. Building on the modest infrastructure of the three foundation colleges, Chung Chi College, New Asia College and United College, CUHK came into existence in 1963. In the following year, the University adopted ‘Through Learning and Temperance to Virtue’ as its motto, advocating whole-person development with equal emphasis on the intellectual and moral aspects of education.
Our first sixty years saw rapid changes in the world – globalisation, technological advancement, political and economic developments, and digital transformation, not to mention a once-in-a-century global pandemic. Despite all the challenges, CUHK has been able to stand the test of time by staying true to its roots. It has grown from a young university situated at a site known for its rocky and barren terrain near the Tolo Harbour to a full-fledged 21st century academic institution. We have nurtured countless brilliant minds whose achievements have gone far beyond the frontiers of learning and research in many directions, making notable contributions to society. CUHK is, truly, a place where great minds shine.
In Chinese culture, turning 60 signifies the completion of a ‘jiazi’ and the birth of a new cycle. As we prepare for the advent of our diamond jubilee, we must pay homage to our early leaders for their wisdom and foresight, to our staff, students and alumni for their dedication, and to our benefactors, partners and members of the community for their unstinting and steadfast trust and support. Meanwhile, this significant milestone in history represents more than a time to reminisce, but also an occasion to look ahead to the future, leveraging the support from our country while engaging with the world. I am deeply honoured to be able to lead the University to carry on its legacy of pursuing excellence with purpose and responsibility as it strides confidently into the next decade.
CUHK will soon roll out a wide variety of activities to celebrate 60 years of excellence and to signal the next era of success. The full calendar of events will enable us to foster even stronger bonds across our community and bring to the world a full view of the uniqueness and capacity of CUHK as a forward-looking institution of higher education that promotes Chinese culture, and contributes powerfully to the good of our country and the world through the creation and dissemination of knowledge. I sincerely invite you to join us in celebrating our proud history and auspicious achievements.
I would like to express my appreciation to everyone involved in the planning and organisation of the 60th anniversary celebrations. I earnestly look forward to the continuous support from all sectors of the community as we ink a new chapter of our splendid story.
Rocky S. Tuan
Vice-Chancellor and President

Rocky S. Tuan
Vice-Chancellor and President