60th Anniversary video series

60th anniversary video series

CUHK 60th anniversary


To celebrate the diamond jubilee of CUHK, we will organise a series of celebration activities including lectures and forums, competitions, banquets, exhibitions, exchange tours, screenings, concerts, and more.

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Where Great Minds Shine
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CUHK 60th Anniversary Event Showcase
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CUHK 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner Showcase
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CUHK 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner Highlights
60th anniversary commencement ceremony The 60th anniversary commencement ceremony was held on 12 February to kick off a series of CUHK’s diamond jubilee celebrations that will take place in 2023-24. Over 1,000 guests gathered on the University Mall to enjoy the stunning performance. More than 10,000 alumni, staff and students around the world celebrated the university’s historic moment together by watching the live broadcast online!
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CUHK 60th Anniversary Commencement Ceremony Highlights
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CUHK 60th Anniversary Commencement Ceremony (Full version)

CUHK 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner


To commemorate CUHK’s diamond jubilee, the 60th Anniversary Banquet was held earlier, bringing together over 2,000 students, staff, alumni, mainland and international partners, and friends of CUHK. They gathered to enjoy this feast, savoring the milestones of the University over the past six decades and envisioning the future. Watch the event highlight video now to relive the captivating moments.

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CUHK 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner Highlights
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CUHK 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner (Full version)

Cheers to CU

The alumni associations of new colleges jointly present a four-episode video series to recall fond memories of our alma mater and reminisce about the good days in CUHK.

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Episode 1: Memories of The University Station
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Episode 2: How Courses are Registered
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Episode 3: Crafting a Mellow Life at CUHK
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Episode 4: #DEMBEAT
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